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How to Create Teams and Add Members in the IGNIS Connect Web App

IGNIS Connect includes an admin web app for managing the Organization and Teams. This article details how to create Teams and add members to the Organization.

To add members to the Organization, smaller teams must first be set up within it, and then members can be added to both the Team and the Organization at the same time.

Creating Teams

  1. On the left-hand side of the screen, select the “Teams & Members” option.

  2. Select “Create New Team.”

  3. Enter a name for this Team, and then select the “Create Team” button

Adding New Members to the Organization and Teams

  1. After creating the Team, select it from the list of Teams, now select “Add Member.”
  2. Select “Invite New Member.”
  3. A link will be populated to invite people to join the Team. This is also how members are added to the Organization. Copy the link and share it with the intended people.
    We suggest sharing via text message for the best results!

Adding Existing Members to Teams

  1. Select the Team you’d like to add members to from the Teams list.
  2. Select “Add Member.”
  3. Now select “Add Existing Member.”
  4. A pop-up will display prompting you to select members of the organization to add to the Team.
  5. Select the Team member you’d like to add and then press the “Add” button. They will now be added to the Team!

If any issues arise please don’t hesitate to reach out at contact@ignistech.io with questions!