How to Upload and View PDF Maps in IGNIS!

IGNIS uniquely supports the ability for PDF maps to be overlayed onto the dynamic base map, and viewed in 3D! There are multiple ways to upload a PDF into IGNIS and this article will go over both.

To begin! Let’s go over where PDF Maps live in IGNIS.

Select the “Maps” Button on the bottom bar on the right-hand side of the home screen.

The first screen you’re brought to is the PDF Maps section. This is where you can view all your PDF Maps! Active Maps are toggled on, indicated by a green switch. These maps are currently viewable and overlayed onto the dynamic base map. Inactive Maps are toggled off and are not on the dynamic base map. Inactive maps that have a download symbol instead of a grey toggle are maps you have access to but are not downloaded to the device.

To view more details about a map or be brought to its location, simply click on the thumbnail Image showing the difference between Active, Inactive, and accessible but not downloaded maps.image of the map, and the next screen will present more details, the option to delete a map, or to view its location on the base map.

Uploading PDF Maps into IGNIS

Method 1

  1. In the “PDF Maps” section, select the orange button with a plus sign.

  2. Choose to import a map from your files or a web URL

  3. If choosing files, select the map, and processing will begin.

    If you choose the URL option, paste the link, select import, and the upload will start.

  4. Once downloaded, the map will be toggled on as an active map!

Check out the map in 3D by selecting the button on the right-hand side of the home screen!


Method 2

  1. From a website or the files section of your iPhone, select the “Share Button.”
  2. Choose IGNIS from the selection of Apps, and the PDF will begin loading!

Thank you for taking the time to learn about PDF Maps in IGNIS!

Should any questions arise, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at